
Naraka Storyboard/Name (page1-14)

Babuji Muto

★2 354

最新話公開 2024年09月05日 第1話公開 2024年09月05日

Yami, the son of a well-known prestigious family is out for revenge and blood
because his whole family (which only includes his father) and his whole clan
were destroyed and massacred in a single night by an infamous group called the
Ashuras. His family was in possession of a treasure called “Narakahar”(which literally means Hell’s Pendant in English). It grants the
users some special abilities, which can be anything depending on the
characteristics of the users that are using it. It has literally the power to disrupt the
balance in this world and bring Narak(Hell) to the people it is used
against. Depending on the people who use it, it can be used for both good and
evil. The Pendant came to be known as “Narakahar” after its vast
usage in the distant history of warfare. But in the last 300 years, the pendant
has come into the possession of Debdut’s family who were protecting this
treasure from the evil hands and from the people who had every kind of bad
intention for using it. The other clans who wanted this treasure but couldn’t
due to the vast influence and power of the Debdut’s family joined hands under a
strong hidden leader and formed a group called the Ashuras.
Yami, who is the main character of this story lost his mother at the time of his
birth. Not having a mother at his son’s side, Yami’s father (Debangan) decided
to be both for his son. After that, their bond became so strong that they were
almost like best friends. One day The Ashuras suddenly attacked the Debdut’s
village (the village which was under the Debdut family’s possession). At that time
Yami was only 11 years old. Being informed about the situation, Debangan
ordered his general Xavier to take care of his son and leave the village with him
at once. Being so young, Yami didn’t know what was going on. His father, once
a great warrior tried everything in his power to save his village and the treasure
but met with an un-time betrayal of his closest friend / his right man – Shiro,
who was spying for the Ashuras while taking shelter in his village for decades.
He was also the true real hidden leader of the group. Getting informed about his
father and the village’s condition by a runaway servant (who fled the
scene), Yami snatched his hands from the general and rushed towards his
village. When he arrived there, he saw only the dead bodies of every single person
he had ever known in his life. Suddenly he was jumped and attacked from behind
by Shiro. His father who was already at death’s door saved his son’s life while
delivering a massive blow to Shiro, leaving him incapable of fighting anymore.
Seeing no other choices left open, he ran away. Before taking his last breath, his
father gave the secret treasure (“Narakahar”) to his son. His
father also gives some final advice, but unable to listen in agony, Yami screams
in pain and vows to not leave a single in the Ashura clan alive, vows to kill
every single one of them, and also vows not to let this happen to any single
other person again.
This is the story of how Yami takes his revenge on the Ashura clan while
tackling the ups and downs and revealing the secrets of “Narakahar” little by little in his journey.

(Translations by Google)


  • 第1話





