
★6 430

最新話公開 2024年03月31日 第1話公開 2024年03月31日

This was the first story of mine I ever had an artist draw to life. When comparing it to my other posted work World's Strongest Brother you will see that my understanding of page layout was much worse in this story. In hindsight this story could have benefitted from having fewer panels in each page also by having at least one double page spread to allow one of the crucial moments of the story to have a bigger impact. On top of page layout I also feel I made a mistake in this work with my overuse of Onomatopoeia. Even with these mistakes visible in this first work of mine I think it still well represents my overall storytelling ability: showcasing my ability to create relatable and likeable characters, my ability to construct a compelling narrative and my ability to give the story a fitting and impactful ending. I hope that if an editor sees this work they will look at my other posted works and see how far my page layout skills have come since I made this one. I hope they will also see my overall storytelling abilities and consider giving me the chance to show some of my scripts so that I can further prove my storytelling abilities to them. I will prove that I am ready for an opportunity. Thank you!


  • 第1話





