


★3 1,010

最新話公開 2023年10月25日 第1話公開 2023年10月25日




  • 第1話




  • I would like to extend my warm regards and introduce myself as a representative from Young Magazine. I had the privilege of reviewing your posted work, and I must express my admiration for your exceptional talent.

    Your artwork demonstrates a remarkable level of skill and is truly inspiring. Your storytelling is not only clear and concise but also excels in portraying non-human characters.

    In regards to your character design, I couldn't help but notice your evident passion for Dragon Ball. Your mastery of techniques such as the use of focus lines, creating a sense of levitation, and adept handling of perspective truly stood out. Furthermore, your keen awareness of the imaginary line made it effortless to follow the characters' gaze.

    Your other work, "Kappa's Stroll," also impressed me. The ability to convey a compelling world and storytelling prowess through art, even without the use of dialogue, is a testament to your exceptional skills.

    If it would be possible, I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to engage in a conversation with you. Thank you in advance for considering my request.

    2023/10/25 11:05


  • I would like to extend my warm regards and introduce myself as a representative from Young Magazine. I had the privilege of reviewing your posted work, and I must express my admiration for your exceptional talent.

    Your artwork demonstrates a remarkable level of skill and is truly inspiring. Your storytelling is not only clear and concise but also excels in portraying non-human characters.

    In regards to your character design, I couldn't help but notice your evident passion for Dragon Ball. Your mastery of techniques such as the use of focus lines, creating a sense of levitation, and adept handling of perspective truly stood out. Furthermore, your keen awareness of the imaginary line made it effortless to follow the characters' gaze.

    Your other work, "Kappa's Stroll," also impressed me. The ability to convey a compelling world and storytelling prowess through art, even without the use of dialogue, is a testament to your exceptional skills.

    If it would be possible, I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to engage in a conversation with you. Thank you in advance for considering my request.

    2023/10/25 11:05