

  • 霄闕抄 Dwelling upon the climbing Haze EN(1話)




    お世話になっております。リョウと申します。 本作は、平安中期における内裏の殿舎の構成を考証し、可能な限りその構造を再現した画面です。拙い作品ですが、平安時代の雰囲気が伝わるよう意識して描きました。 弊作品はまだ欠点が多いため、よろしければ厳しいご意見を頂けませんか。もし頂けるようでしたら編集者の方のご助言はとても貴重な経験になります。 技術不足ではありますが、今後精一杯改善していきます。 何卒宜しくお願い申し上げます。 The Heian period, often referred to as the "golden age" of Japanese culture, was particularly fascinating. The Royal Palace in Kyoto was a place of incredible beauty, people gathered to express themselves through various intellectual and artistic pursuits such as literature, poetry, and painting, among others. However, the period was also marked by intrigue and conflict, with courtiers vying for power and influence whilst surrounded by swirling conspiracies.To uncover the true color of their daily lives. There's one such scroll, depicts court rituals and royal ceremonies during the Heian period, offering a glimpse into the lives a thousand years ago. Amidst their luxurious lifestyle, the history reveal to us their struggles with illness, disease, faith, doubts, love, and suffering. Although the project is still in the working process, I am thrilled to share my vision with you. Please feel free to ask any questions and it's a great help if there's any suggestions. Thank you all.

  • 霄闕抄 Dwelling upon the climbing Haze(1話)




    お世話になっております。リョウと申します。 本作は、平安中期における内裏の殿舎の構成を考証し、可能な限りその構造を再現した画面です。拙い作品ですが、平安時代の雰囲気が伝わるよう意識して描きました。 弊作品はまだ欠点が多いため、よろしければ厳しいご意見を頂けませんか。もし頂けるようでしたら編集者の方のご助言はとても貴重な経験になります。 技術不足ではありますが、今後精一杯改善していきます。 何卒宜しくお願い申し上げます。 The Heian period, often referred to as the "golden age" of Japanese culture, was particularly fascinating. The Royal Palace in Kyoto was a place of incredible beauty, people gathered to express themselves through various intellectual and artistic pursuits such as literature, poetry, and painting, among others. However, the period was also marked by intrigue and conflict, with courtiers vying for power and influence whilst surrounded by swirling conspiracies.To uncover the true color of their daily lives. There's one such scroll, depicts court rituals and royal ceremonies during the Heian period, offering a glimpse into the lives a thousand years ago. Amidst their luxurious lifestyle, the history reveal to us their struggles with illness, disease, faith, doubts, love, and suffering. Although the project is still in the working process, I am thrilled to share my vision with you. Please feel free to ask any questions and it's a great help if there's any suggestions. Thank you all.